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Working with classes

The previous chapter explained how type hints work in general, and how you can use them to describe the contracts of your functions. This chapter is all about classes.

The basics of annotating classes are not that hard. Let's start off with an example:

class Cat:
    def __init__(self, name, lives=9):
        self._name = name
        self._lives = lives
        self._owner = None
        self._kittens = []

    def lives(self):
        return self._lives

    def set_owner(self, name):
        self._owner = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Cat {self._name!r} lives={self._lives!r} _owner={self._owner!r}>"
class Cat:
    def __init__(self, name: str, lives: int = 9) -> None:
        self._name = name
        self._lives = lives
        self._owner: str | None = None
        self._kittens: list[Cat] = []

    def lives(self) -> int:
        return self._lives

    def set_owner(self, name: str) -> None:
        self._owner = name

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<Cat {self._name!r} lives={self._lives!r} _owner={self._owner!r}>"

As you can see:

  • Methods are annotated almost exactly the same as functions
  • self is not annotated in any way
  • Special methods like __init__, __repr__, __len__ and so on should be fully annotated as well
  • Attribute types are usually inferred from the __init__ method, but sometimes it's not possible. If you have an attribute that starts off as None or an empty collection, you should annotate it explicitly

Editor integration example

Example 1
Autocompletion for attributes and method
Example 2
Error with a missing attribute/method

Adding kittens

Let's add some methods to work with the kittens of our cat:

    def add_kitten(self, kitten: Cat) -> None:

    def adopt_kittens(self, kittens: list[Cat]) -> None:

    def kittens(self) -> list[Cat]:
        return self._kittens

Oh no, we got some red squiggles! And the code fails at runtime.

Circular annotation error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kitty/erp-system/", line 1, in <module>
    class Cat:
  File "/home/kitty/erp-system/", line 18, in Cat
    def add_kitten(self, kitten: Cat) -> None:
NameError: name 'Cat' is not defined

We said in the previous article that annotations have no effect at runtime. That's not quite true. Functions (and classes) do store their annotation as metadata, just like they store their name, default arguments and even their source code for inspection purposes.

>>> def add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
...     return x + y
>>> add.__name__
>>> add.__annotations__
{'x': <class 'int'>, 'y': <class 'int'>, 'return': <class 'int'>}

This metadata doesn't perform any validation and doesn't make the function any faster. However, libraries like pydantic and typeguard can make use of this metadata for their own purposes.

Our annotation doesn't work because we haven't created the Cat class yet, but we're trying to reference it. It's like trying to run x = x + 1 with no x variable defined beforehand.

This can be worked around by putting the annotation in quotes:

    def add_kitten(self, kitten: "Cat") -> None:

    def adopt_kittens(self, kittens: "list[Cat]") -> None:

    def kittens(self) -> "list[Cat]":
        return self._kittens
Type checkers will still understand the type hints, but they will be stored as a string in the metadata.

Alternative method

You may have seen this in other places:

from __future__ import annotations

class Cat:

    def add_kitten(self, kitten: Cat) -> None:

This is the PEP 563 way of using "deferred annotations". It automatically turns all function and class annotations into quotes. It does look cleaner and requires less work if you're rearranging classes, however, this trick is superseded by PEP 649 and will be deprecated/removed in the future.

You can use from __future__ import annotations instead, but be aware that you will have to slightly adjust your code in future versions of Python.

Think of the kittens

The three methods we just added may look fine, but they have a few problems that can manifest when our class will be used in practice.

  • Adopting several kittens

    The adopt_kittens() method says that you need a list of kittens. That's a bit too restrictive. If I have a tuple of kittens or an iterator of kittens, should they be left cold and hungry? Or should the caller do list(kittens) which takes extra time and memory?

    Moreover, it's legal for the method to modify the list provided in the argument. But that doesn't fit the intention of adopt_kittens().

  • Getting all the kittens

    The kittens() method has similar problems, but in a more subtle way.

    First, it reveals our internal implementation of how we store kittens. It will be hard to switch to a deque in the future.

    Secondly, if someone obtains our list of kittens, the type hints are telling them they can treat it as any old list. This can be devastating:

    def handle_cat(cat: Cat) -> None:
        cat.kittens().clear()  # no complaints from our type checker


Let's see how the extend() method of list objects handles the first problem. After all, it works with lists, tuples, ranges and other things.

list.extend signature in VSCode

list.extend works with any iterable object. An iterable is something you can put in a for loop to go over ("iterate over") its items. Iterable and similar items like Sequence, Iterator, Mapping are available in the standard module. Let's see it in action:

from import Iterable

def handle_numbers(numbers: Iterable[int]) -> None:
    numbers.append(42)  # error: `Iterable[int]` has no method `append`

    for n in numbers:   # ok, `n` is an `int`
        print(n + 1)    # ok
        print(n + "!")  # error: can't add a string to an integer

handle_numbers([1, 2, 3])  # ok
handle_numbers((1, 2, 3))  # ok
handle_numbers(range(69))  # ok

Let's modify our adopt_kittens method:

from import Iterable

class Cat:

    def adopt_kittens(self, kittens: "Iterable[Cat]") -> None:

Siblings of Iterable

Here are some other items from you'll find useful:

Item Description
Iterator[T] Something you can call next() on. See iterator
Mapping[K, V] An object supporting mapping[key] syntax and other read-only dict-like operations (like mapping.items()). See mapping
Sequence[T] An object supporting iteration, indexing, len() and in. list, tuple and range are all sequences
MutableSequence[T] Like Sequence, but also supports mutation with obj[index] = value, clear(), append() etc.
Collection[T] An object supporting iteration, len() and in. set is a collection but not a sequence
Callable Something you can call(). We will discuss it in a later chapter

To solve the current problems with kittens(), let's use Collection instead of list:

from import Collection

class Cat:

    def kittens(self) -> "Collection[Cat]":
        return self._kittens

Data classes

Classes are commonly used to bundle related pieces of information:

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, age: int, name: str, height: float, length: float) -> None:
        self.age = age = name
        self.height = height
        self.length = length

    def cross_section(self) -> float:
        return self.height * self.length

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Dog):
            return NotImplemented
        return (
            (self.age,, self.height, self.length)
            == (other.age,, other.length, other.height)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f", name={!r}"
            f", height={self.height!r}"
            f", self.lenght={self.length!r}"

This is rather verbose, repetitive, and error-prone. It could be much easier to read and write. The standard library has a dataclasses module:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Dog:
    age: int
    name: str
    height: float
    length: float

    def cross_section(self) -> float:
        return self.height * self.length

This does exactly the same as the previous snippet (Except for the typos. Did you spot them?).

>>> dog = Dog(age=1, name="fido", height=100.0, length=60.0)
>>> dog
Dog(age=1, name='fido', height=100.0, length=60.0)
>>> = 'treat enjoyer'
>>> dog
Dog(age=1, name='treat enjoyer', height=100.0, length=60.0)
>>> dog.cross_section()

@dataclass has several flags. We recommend using these in most cases:

  • kw_only prevents you from calling the class with positional arguments, like
    Dog(1, "fido", 100.0, 60.0)
    It's not immediately clear what 1, 100.0 and 60.0 are, so keyword-only arguments make sense here.
  • frozen prevents you from mutating the object after creation.
@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class Dog:
    age: int
    name: str
    height: float
    length: float

    def cross_section(self) -> float:
        return self.height * self.length