Graphical objects
Rect ()
Axis-aligned rectangle
x: float
y: float
width: float
height: float
line_width: float
Triangle ()
Triangle, defined by its center and the deviation of each point from its center.
x: float
y: float
dx1: float
dy1: float
dx2: float
dy2: float
dx3: float
dy3: float
line_width: float
Group ()
Group of PilRenderable
objects rendered together in order.
Type variable P
represents the type of each object contained.
items: Sequence[~P]
x: float
y: float
center(self) -> tuple[float, float]
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def center(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
if len(self.items) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find a center of an empty group, items: {self.items!r}")
cx = sum(item.x for item in self.items)/len(self.items)
cy = sum(item.y for item in self.items)/len(self.items)
return (cx, cy)
add(self, new_item: Q) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]
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def add(self, new_item: Q) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]:
return Group([*self.items, new_item])
concat(self, other: Group[Q]) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]
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def concat(self, other: Group[Q]) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]:
return Group([*self.items, *other.items])
Pair ()
Pair of two PilRenderable
objects p and q, where
p is drawn before q. Exists primarily for better
type-checker support.
p: ~P
q: ~Q
x: float
y: float
as_group(self) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]
Source code in lanim/pil_types.py
def as_group(self) -> Group[Union[P, Q]]:
return Group(self)
center(self) -> tuple[float, float]
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def center(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
return Group((self.p, self.q)).center()
flip(self) -> Pair[Q, P]
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def flip(self) -> Pair[Q, P]:
return Pair[Q, P](self.q, self.p)
Latex ()
Graphical primitive rendered via the LaTeX program.
x: float
y: float
source: str
scale_factor: float
align: Align
packages: Collection[str]
The LaTeX packages to include as \usepackage{...}
width(self) -> float
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def width(self) -> float:
img = self._render(self.scale_factor)
return img.width / 1920 * 16
height(self) -> float
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def height(self) -> float:
img = self._render(self.scale_factor)
return img.height / 1920 * 16
Nil ()
Special graphical primitive that doesn’t do anything on render.
x: float
y: float
Sum ()
Graphical primitive representing a union of two objects. The name Sum derives from sum type, not from a combination, which would be a product type.
item: Union[tuple[Literal['p'], ~PX], tuple[Literal['q'], ~QX]]
mpq: Callable[[~PX, ~QX], Callable[[float], Union[tuple[Literal['p'], ~PX], tuple[Literal['q'], ~QX]]]]
Strategy for morphing the left item into the right item
x: float
y: float
mqp: Callable[[QX, PX], Projector[Select[PX, QX]]]
with_left(self, left: PX) -> Sum[PX, QX]
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def with_left(self, left: PX) -> Sum[PX, QX]:
return self.with_pq(("p", left))
with_right(self, right: QX) -> Sum[PX, QX]
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def with_right(self, right: QX) -> Sum[PX, QX]:
return self.with_pq(("q", right))
with_pq(self, pq: Select[PX, QX]) -> Sum[PX, QX]
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def with_pq(self, pq: Select[PX, QX]) -> Sum[PX, QX]:
return Sum(pq, self.mpq)
map(self, fp: Callable[[PX], RX], fq: Callable[[QX], RX2]) -> Sum[RX, RX2]
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def map(self, fp: Callable[[PX], RX], fq: Callable[[QX], RX2]) -> Sum[RX, RX2]:
tag, item = self.item
if tag == "p":
return self.with_left(fp(item)) # type: ignore
return self.with_right(fq(item)) # type: ignore
dispatch(self, fp: Callable[[PX], A], fq: Callable[[QX], A]) -> A
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def dispatch(self, fp: Callable[[PX], A], fq: Callable[[QX], A]) -> A:
tag, item = self.item
if tag == "p":
return fp(item) # type: ignore
return fq(item) # type: ignore
Opacity ()
Wrapper around a PilRenderable value to render it with an opacity (from 0 to 1)
__init__(self, child: P, opacity: float = 1.0)
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def __init__(self, child: P, opacity: float = 1.0):
if not (0 <= opacity <= 1):
raise ValueError(f"Opacity should be between 0 and 1, got {opacity!r}")
self.x = child.x
self.y = child.y
self.child = child
self.opacity = opacity
fade(self, target: float = 0) -> Animation[Opacity[P]]
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def fade(self, target: float = 0) -> Animation[Opacity[P]]:
def projector(t: float):
return Opacity(self.child, self.opacity * (1 - t) + target * t)
return Animation(1, projector)
Manipulation of graphical primitives
moved_to(p: P, x: float, y: float) -> P
Return the object moved to a particular point.
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def moved_to(p: P, x: float, y: float) -> P:
Return the object moved to a particular point.
return p.moved(x - p.x, y - p.y)
morph_into(source: PX, destination: PX) -> Animation[PX]
Create a second-long animation of one object morphing into the other
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def morph_into(source: PX, destination: PX) -> Animation[PX]:
Create a second-long animation of one object morphing into the other
return Animation(1.0, lambda t: source.morphed(destination, t))
move_by(obj: PX, dx: float, dy: float) -> Animation[PX]
Create a second-long animation of an object moving by (dx
, dy
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def move_by(obj: PX, dx: float, dy: float) -> Animation[PX]:
Create a second-long animation of an object moving by (`dx`, `dy`)
return morph_into(obj, obj.moved(dx, dy))
scale(obj: PSX, factor: float) -> Animation[PSX]
Create a second-long animation of an object scaling factor
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def scale(obj: PSX, factor: float) -> Animation[PSX]:
Create a second-long animation of an object scaling `factor` times
return morph_into(obj, obj.scaled(factor))
align(obj: PAX, new_align: Align) -> Animation[PAX]
Create a second-long animation of an object changing alignment
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def align(obj: PAX, new_align: Align) -> Animation[PAX]:
Create a second-long animation of an object changing alignment
return morph_into(obj, obj.aligned(new_align))
lpair(ap: Animation[P], q: Q) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]
Add Q
as a still image to an animation of P
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def lpair(ap: Animation[P], q: Q) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]:
Add `Q` as a still image to an animation of P
return ap.map(lambda p: Pair(p, q))
rpair(p: P, aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]
Add P
as a still image to an animation of Q
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def rpair(p: P, aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]:
Add `P` as a still image to an animation of Q
return aq.map(lambda q: Pair(p, q))
lrpair_longest(ap: Animation[P], aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]
Combine two animations into an animation of a pair.
If one animation is longer, the other animation is extended.
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def lrpair_longest(ap: Animation[P], aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]:
Combine two animations into an animation of a pair.
If one animation is longer, the other animation is extended.
return par_a_longest(ap, aq).map(lambda pq: Pair(*pq))
lrpair_shortest(ap: Animation[P], aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]
Combine two animations into an animation of a pair.
If one animation is longer, it’s cut off.
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def lrpair_shortest(ap: Animation[P], aq: Animation[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Q]]:
Combine two animations into an animation of a pair.
If one animation is longer, it's cut off.
return par_a_shortest(ap, aq).map(lambda pq: Pair(*pq))
gbackground(fg: Animation[P], bg: Iterable[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[Group[Q], P]]
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def gbackground(fg: Animation[P], bg: Iterable[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[Group[Q], P]]:
bg_list = list(bg)
return fg.map(lambda p: Pair(Group(bg_list), p))
gforeground(bg: Animation[P], fg: Iterable[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Group[Q]]]
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def gforeground(bg: Animation[P], fg: Iterable[Q]) -> Animation[Pair[P, Group[Q]]]:
fg_list = list(fg)
return bg.map(lambda q: Pair(q, Group(fg_list)))
group_join(g: Group[Group[N]]) -> Group[N]
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def group_join(g: Group[Group[N]]) -> Group[N]:
items: list[N] = []
for subg in g.items:
return Group(items)
mixed_group_join(g: Group[Union[N, Group[N]]]) -> Group[N]
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def mixed_group_join(g: Group[Union[N, Group[N]]]) -> Group[N]:
items: list[N] = []
for item in g.items:
if isinstance(item, Group):
return Group(items)
merge_group_animations(*animations: Animation[Group[N]]) -> Animation[Group[N]]
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def merge_group_animations(*animations: Animation[Group[N]]) -> Animation[Group[N]]:
return parallel(*animations).map(group_join)
parallel(*animations: Animation[P]) -> Animation[Group[P]]
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def parallel(*animations: Animation[P]) -> Animation[Group[P]]:
if animations == ():
raise ValueError("No animations!")
duration = max(animation.duration for animation in animations)
factors = [duration / animation.duration for animation in animations]
def projector(t: float) -> Group[P]:
return Group([a.projector(t * f if t < 1/f else 1.0) for (a, f) in zip(animations, factors)])
return Animation(duration, projector)
group(*ps: P) -> Group[P]
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def group(*ps: P) -> Group[P]:
return Group(ps)
with_last_frame(animation: Animation[A], last_frame: A) -> Animation[A]
Return the same animation but with the very last frame replaced
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def with_last_frame(animation: Animation[A], last_frame: A) -> Animation[A]:
Return the same animation but with the very last frame replaced
def projector(t: float):
if t < 1.0:
return animation.projector(t)
return last_frame
return animation.with_projector(projector)
swap(group: Group[PX], index1: int, index2: int, traj1: Trajectory = <function <lambda> at 0x7f5c289b0670>, traj2: Trajectory = <function <lambda> at 0x7f5c289b0670>) -> Animation[Group[PX]]
Swap two items in a group, one being at index index1
and another at index2
The resulting animation lasts one second.
By default the objects will move towards each other in a straight line,
but you can customize this behaviour by providing the traj1
and traj2
parameters for the first and second object respectively
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def swap(
group: Group[PX],
index1: int,
index2: int,
traj1: Trajectory = linear_traj,
traj2: Trajectory = linear_traj
) -> Animation[Group[PX]]:
Swap two items in a group, one being at index `index1` and another at `index2`.
The resulting animation lasts one second.
By default the objects will move towards each other in a straight line,
but you can customize this behaviour by providing the `traj1` and `traj2`
parameters for the first and second object respectively
items = list(group.items)
items[index1], items[index2] = (
moved_to(items[index2], items[index1].x, items[index1].y),
moved_to(items[index1], items[index2].x, items[index2].y),
final_group = Group(items)
proj1 = proj_t(group.items[index1], group.items[index2].x, group.items[index2].y, traj1)
proj2 = proj_t(group.items[index2], group.items[index1].x, group.items[index1].y, traj2)
def projector(t: float) -> Group[PX]:
items = list(group.items)
items[index1] = proj1(t)
items[index2] = proj2(t)
return Group(items)
return with_last_frame(Animation(1.0, projector), final_group)
m_just(p: PSX) -> Maybe[PSX]
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def m_just(p: PSX) -> Maybe[PSX]:
return Sum(("p", p), disappear_into_nil)
m_none(x: float, y: float) -> Maybe[PSX]
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def m_none(x: float, y: float) -> Maybe[PSX]:
return Sum(("q", Nil(x, y)), disappear_into_nil)
appear(p: PSX) -> Animation[PSX]
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def appear(p: PSX) -> Animation[PSX]:
return morph_into(p.scaled(0.0), p)
disappear(p: PSX) -> Animation[PSX]
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def disappear(p: PSX) -> Animation[PSX]:
return appear(p).ease(easings.invert)
appear_from(p: PSX, x: float, y: float) -> Animation[PSX]
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def appear_from(p: PSX, x: float, y: float) -> Animation[PSX]:
return morph_into(p.scaled_about(0.0, x, y), p)
disappear_from(p: PSX, x: float, y: float) -> Animation[PSX]
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def disappear_from(p: PSX, x: float, y: float) -> Animation[PSX]:
return appear_from(p, x, y).ease(easings.invert)
Imperative API
scene_any(easing: easings.Easing = <function <lambda> at 0x7f5c28bf4430>, duration: float = 1.0)
Decorator used for making an imperative-feeling scene.
The decorated function should accept a single argument — a function — which it can call with an animation. That function will return the last frame of the animation and add it to an internal animation list, which will be rendered using lanim.core.seq_a.
The decorated function will be replaced with the generated animation.
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def scene_any(easing: easings.Easing = easings.linear, duration: float = 1.0):
Decorator used for making an imperative-feeling scene.
The decorated function should accept a single argument --- a function ---
which it can call with an animation. That function will return the last
frame of the animation and add it to an internal animation list, which
will be rendered using [lanim.core.seq_a][].
The decorated function will be replaced with the generated animation.
def _(f: Callable[[ThenAny], Any]) -> Animation[PilRenderable]:
animations: list[Animation[PilRenderable]] = []
def on_animate(a: Animation[Q]) -> Q:
animations.append(a.ease(easing) * duration)
return a.projector(1.0)
return seq_a(*animations)
return _
is just an alias for scene_any
but with
a different type signature.
Trajectory ()
A trajectory is a way of interpolating between two points
__call__(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]
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def __call__(
x1: float, y1: float,
x2: float, y2: float,
t: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
ease_t(traj: Trajectory, easing: easings.Easing) -> Trajectory
Apply an easing to a trajectory
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def ease_t(traj: Trajectory, easing: easings.Easing) -> Trajectory:
Apply an easing to a trajectory
return lambda x1, y1, x2, y2, t: traj(x1, y1, x2, y2, easing(t))
move_t(obj: PX, dest_x: float, dest_y: float, traj: Trajectory) -> Animation[PX]
Create a second-long animation of an object moving along a trajectory
from dest_x
to dest_y
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def move_t(obj: PX, dest_x: float, dest_y: float, traj: Trajectory) -> Animation[PX]:
Create a second-long animation of an object moving along a trajectory
from `dest_x` to `dest_y`
return Animation(1.0, proj_t(obj, dest_x, dest_y, traj))
proj_t(obj: PX, dest_x: float, dest_y: float, traj: Trajectory) -> Projector[PX]
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def proj_t(obj: PX, dest_x: float, dest_y: float, traj: Trajectory) -> Projector[PX]:
def projector(t: float) -> PX:
x, y = traj(obj.x, obj.y, dest_x, dest_y, t)
return obj.moved(x - obj.x, y - obj.y)
return projector
linear_traj(x1, y1, x2, y2, t)
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lambda x1, y1, x2, y2, t: (
x1 * (1 - t) + x2 * t,
y1 * (1 - t) + y2 * t,
make_arc_traj(distancing_function: Callable[[float], float]) -> Trajectory
Make an arc trajectory using a distancing function.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ _
^^^ ^^^ | distancing_function(t)
^ ^ _
(x1,y1) (x2,y2)
t=0 t=0.5 t=1
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def make_arc_traj(distancing_function: Callable[[float], float]) -> Trajectory:
Make an arc trajectory using a distancing function.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ _
^^^ ^^^ | distancing_function(t)
^ ^ _
(x1,y1) (x2,y2)
t=0 t=0.5 t=1
def _traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
nx, ny = normal(x1, y1, x2, y2)
lx, ly = linear_traj(x1, y1, x2, y2, t)
arm = distancing_function(t) * math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / 2
mx, my = lx + arm*nx, ly + arm*ny
return (mx, my)
return _traj
halfcircle_traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]
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def _traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
nx, ny = normal(x1, y1, x2, y2)
lx, ly = linear_traj(x1, y1, x2, y2, t)
arm = distancing_function(t) * math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / 2
mx, my = lx + arm*nx, ly + arm*ny
return (mx, my)
low_arc_traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]
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def _traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
nx, ny = normal(x1, y1, x2, y2)
lx, ly = linear_traj(x1, y1, x2, y2, t)
arm = distancing_function(t) * math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / 2
mx, my = lx + arm*nx, ly + arm*ny
return (mx, my)
lift_traj(height: float) -> Trajectory
Lift the trajectory up by height
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def lift_traj(height: float) -> Trajectory:
Lift the trajectory up by `height` units
def traj(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, t: float):
if t < 0.25:
k = t * 4
return (x1, y1 - height * k)
elif t < 0.75:
k = 2 * (t - 0.25)
return (x1 * (1 - k) + x2 * k, y1 - height)
k = 4 * (t - 0.75)
return (x2, (y1 - height) * (1 - k) + y2 * k)
return traj
PilRenderable ()
moved(self: A, dx: float, dy: float) -> A
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def moved(self: A, dx: float, dy: float) -> A: ...
render_pil(self, ctx: PilContext) -> None
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def render_pil(self, ctx: PilContext) -> None: ...
Scalable ()
scaled(self: A, factor: float) -> A
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def scaled(self: A, factor: float) -> A: ...
scaled_about(self: A, factor: float, cx: float, cy: float) -> A
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def scaled_about(self: A, factor: float, cx: float, cy: float) -> A: ...
Morphable ()
morphed(self: A, other: A, t: float) -> A
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def morphed(self: A, other: A, t: float) -> A: ...
Alignable ()
aligned(self: A, new_align: Align) -> A
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def aligned(self: A, new_align: Align) -> A: ...
Utility data structures
These objects will be useful if you’re implementing your own primitives for rendering with PIL
Align ()
Specification of the horizontal and vertical alignment
Predefined class variables:
| |
| |
| |
| |
dx: float
Proporton by which to move a LU-aligned object to the right
dy: float
Proporton by which to move a LU-aligned object to the bottom
blend(self, other: Align, t: float) -> Align
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def blend(self, other: Align, t: float) -> Align:
return Align(self.dx * (1 - t) + other.dx * t, self.dy * (1 - t) + other.dy * t)
apply(self, x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float) -> tuple[float, float]
Compute the new bottom-left position of a (x, y, width, height)
after applying this alignemnt
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def apply(self, x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
Compute the new bottom-left position of a `(x, y, width, height)` rectangle
after applying this alignemnt
return x + self.dx * width, y + self.dy * height
Style ()
Settings regarding the drawing of a single element
fill: Union[str, int]
outline: Union[str, int]
line_width: int
PilContext ()
Context object holding the current state of a frame
settings: PilSettings
img: Image
draw: ImageDraw
coord(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, int]
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def coord(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, int]:
pixels_x = self.settings.center_x + self.settings.unit * x
pixels_y = self.settings.center_y + self.settings.unit * y
return round(pixels_x), round(pixels_y)
rectangle_wh(self, cx: float, cy: float, width: float, height: float, style: Style)
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def rectangle_wh(self, cx: float, cy: float, width: float, height: float, style: Style):
self.rectangle(cx - width/2, cy - height/2, cx + width/2, cy + height/2, style)
rectangle(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, style: Style)
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def rectangle(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, style: Style):
(self.coord(x1, y1), self.coord(x2, y2) ),
line(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, style: Style)
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def line(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, style: Style):
[*self.coord(x1, y1), *self.coord(x2, y2)],
triangle(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, style: Style)
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def triangle(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, style: Style):
*self.coord(x1, y1),
*self.coord(x2, y2),
*self.coord(x3, y3),
*self.coord(x1, y1),
*self.coord((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2),