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Command-line interface reference


lanim [-?] [-e IDENTIFIER] [-w WIDTH] [-h HEIGHT] [-f FPS] [-t THREADS] [-p PATH] -o PATH [--range PERCENT:PERCENT] module


Argument Shorthand Description Default
--help -? Show the reference
--export-name [NAME] -e Name to import from module export
--width [WIDTH] -w Frame width, in pixels 1280
--height [HEIGHT] -h Frame height, in pixels 720
--fps [FPS] -f Frames per second 30
--threads [THREADS] -t Number of threads to launch multiprocessing.cpu_count()
--temp-dir [PATH] -p Temporary working directory ./.lanim
--output PATH -o Output file
module (positional) Module to render, like lanim.examples.hello


When you invoke lanim --help, the help message will show how many threads you have available, e.g.:

  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
    Number of threads do launch. Defaults to CPU count (12 in your case)